@ybamalaysiaofficial佛青の达人|星代主持人 YBAM got Talent|The Legend of Rising Star 报名链接在留言区 See comment for registration link #ybam #talent
佛青の达人|星代主持人 YBAM got Talent|The Legend of Rising Star
简介视频 Intro Video: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSeFqPSNG/
主办单位: 马来西亚佛教青年总会
Organiser: Young Buddhist Association Malaysia (YBAM)
报名 Registration: 免费 Free of Charge
报名截止 Deadline: 08.11.2021
报名表格 Registration Form: http://shorturl.at/nsMOU
1. 不超过2分钟的自我介绍影片(主题:为什么要成为 “星代主持人” )
2. 照片(半身和全身)
Registration method: Fill in the google form above and attach files as per below
1. Attach a video not more than 2mins
(Title: Introduction + Why do you want to become ‘The Legend of Rising Star’)
2. Photo (Half and full body)
“YBAM got Talent之星代主持人” 会是全程线上的活动,主要应用Zoom软件来进行各活动。
‘YBAM got Talent – The Legend of Rising Star’ will be conducted via online, using Zoom as the main platform.
比赛进阶程序 Competition Process:
1. 海选 Audition (15.10.2021 – 08.11.2021)
2. 公布20强 Top 20 Announcement (19.11.2021)
3. 20强培训 Top 20 Training (20 or 21.11.2021 03.00pm – 06.00pm)
4. 公布6强 Top 6 Announcement (30.11.2021)
5. 导师1对2指导 6强(1或2天)
Each Tutor coach 2 candidates from the Top 6 (one or two days)
(日期期间 Date Period: 01.12.2021 – 18.12.2021)
6.总决赛 Final Round (19.12.2021 07.00pm – 10.30pm)
奖金 Prize:
1. ?冠军Champion: RM 1000
2. ?亚军Runner-up: RM 800
3. ?季军Second Runner-up: RM 500
参赛资格 Eligibility:
✔️18-30岁 18-30 years old
✔️马来西亚公民 Malaysian citizenship
✔️媒介语 Language:中文 Mandarin