我的内心世界,你不懂!| You May Never Understand My Inner Feelings!
😢 我做什么都缺乏愉快感, 兴趣缺失,做事没有干劲。
☹ 我总是觉得烦躁, 感觉生活壓力,喘不过气来。
😭 我不知道为什么那么容易愤怒, 焦虑不安,有时候自己一个人哭了起来,开始想逃避生活的一切。。。
✅如果你有以上疑问,欢迎你参加我们的 “心理成长课程” 系列, 觉察青年人心灵成长的困扰,探寻方向与出路。
😢 I lack pleasure, interest, and motivation in everything.
☹ I am always feeling mardy, stressed and out of breath.
😭 I don’t know why I lost control of my temper and anxious. Sometimes, I will cry alone and try to escape from everything in life.
If you have the above doubts, you are welcome to participate in our ‘psychological growth course’ series to perceive the distress of youths’ spiritual growth and explore for directions and solutions.
主题 Topic: 我的内心世界, 你不懂! | You may never understand my inner feelings!
日期 Date: 26/11/2023 (星期日 Sunday)
时间 Time: 10am – 12pm
地点 Venue:巴生滨海佛学会 Klang & Coast Buddhist Association
媒介语Language:华语 Mandarin
讲师 Speaker:吴佩珊老师 Rachel Goh
(If necessary, you can have a one-on-one talk with the teacher after the class)
免费报名 (适合年龄: 18至45岁)
Free registration (For age 18 to 45)
👉报名/更多详情请联络 Registration/For more information please contact:
📞紫梅 Mei Chong (https://wa.me/60193983343)
📞慧慧 Huoy Huoy (https://wa.me/60165106783)
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