佛青の达人之《真善美好声音》 | YBAM got Talent: The Voice of Truth and Beauty
Are you a singing enthusiast with a beautiful voice? Have you been longing for an opportunity to showcase your talent? Well, now is your chance! We are organising a fun and exciting singing competition and inviting all singing lovers to participate. This competition will be a vibrant and passionate music feast, where beginners and seasoned singers alike will have the opportunity to showcase their talents!
Our judges will be professionals from the music industry who will evaluate each participant’s performance with a professional eye. The winning participants will have the opportunity to win generous cash prizes. In addition to the competition itself, you can make like-minded friends here and share music and joy. Moreover, our event is free, completely free!
We aim to attract young people to participate in Buddhist activities and to provide them with an opportunity to learn about Buddhism. We also want to provide young singers with opportunities to perform in the Buddhist community. We will enhance the singing skills and professionalism of young singers and discover potential candidates for our new generation of singers. So, what are you waiting for? Sign up now and showcase your singing talent!
媒介语 Language:中文 Mandarin
对象 Target:15-30岁 15-30 Years Old
报名截止 Registration Deadline:30.04.2023
报名费 Registration Fee:免费 FOC
报名链接 Registration Link:YBAM GOT TALENT 2023
联络人 Contact Person:杨汶翔 014-9670723
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