马佛青线上浴佛与线上供灯 | e-Bath The Buddha & e-Light Offerings
01.05.2023 – 31.05.2023
即使佛教道场已经全面对外开放且举办各种形式的卫塞节庆典活动 ,2023年卫塞马佛青仍为您提供线上平台,方便您轻松点击勺子浴佛。
Even though the Buddhist temples have fully opened to the public and hold various types of Waise festivals, in 2023, YBAM continues to provide an online platform for you to easily participate in bathing the Buddha by simply clicking on the ladle.
线上浴佛链接 Link to e-Bathing the Buddha:https://ybam.org.my/ebathingbuddha/
线上供灯链接 Link to make e-Light Offerings:https://ybam.org.my/elightoffering/
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