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《甘露洒红尘》全国巡回弘法:玻璃市站 | ‘Dharma Dew’ Dharma Talk Series: Perlis
04.10.2024 & 06.10.2024
《丹霞烧佛》:从禅师焚烧佛像的公案谈起,抛开一切形式上的执着,回归到我们心灵的本质, 寻找真正的解脱。
In this complex and chaotic modern society, we are often driven by desires, expectations, and inner insecurities, leading to endless anxiety and confusion. We are frequently disappointed by our expectations and pursuit of external satisfaction while neglecting the fear and unease within.
‘Spitting at the Sky’: Desire is like a boomerang on what we expect will ultimately return to us. When we pursue external things, are we unknowingly harming ourselves?
‘I Have No Sense of Security!’: Drawing from the wisdom of Dharma, this explores the
true nature of security, revealing how to dispel inner fear and find peace and strength within ourselves.
‘Burning the Buddha Statue’: Starting with the Zen master’s case of burning the Buddha statue, this addresses the abandonment of all forms of attachment and the return to the essence of our minds in search of true liberation.
Let us listen together to Venerable Li Jing’s teachings on how to emerge from the fog of attachment and fear, and discover the freedom and wisdom of the mind.
媒介语 Language:中文 Mandarin
日期、时间和地点 Date, Time & Venue:
04.10.2024(星期五 Friday),8.00pm – 10.00pm
玻璃市佛学会 Perlis Buddhist Society
06.10.2024(星期日 Sunday),1.00pm – 3.00pm
玻璃市佛学会 Perlis Buddhist Society
06.10.2024(星期日 Sunday),8.00pm – 10.00pm
加基武吉佛教会 Kaki Bukit Buddhist Association
联络人 Contact :
王顺泰 Wong Soon Thai (011-3524 8407)
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