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《没有尾巴的小鳄鱼》儿童绘本营 | Children’s Picture Book Camp
Picture Book Camp is a fun and creative camp that combines engaging picture book stories with group activities, crafts, and games, providing a rich experience for children. The YBAM NSSLC and Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddha Pertang warmly invite children aged 5 to 12 to sign up and embark on this wonderful journey of learning and exploration. Let your children grow happily, nurturing their creativity and team spirit. Join us and share in this delightful time!
日期 Date : 14.7.2024 ( 星期日 Sunday)
时间 Time :9:00am – 2:00pm
地点 Venue :葫芦顶佛教会Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddha Pertang
对象 Target :5岁至12 岁(5 -12 years old)
报名费 Fees: RM 20 (包含绘本、午餐、参与证书)
媒介语 Language : 华语 Mandarin
联络 Contact :秦维娣 012-686 0658 / 唐瑂璘 011-10729080
Instagram: http://tinyurl.com/Ybamnsslc
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ybamnsslc?mibextid=tPfjzR
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