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《生命树与太空人》儿童绘本营 | Children’s Picture Book Camp
The Children’s Picture Book Camp has arrived at Kampung Baru Dangi. We have prepared a lot of activities, including picture book stories, group activities, and handicrafts. Let the children explore the joy of learning in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere, unleash their imagination, and nurture their creativity. Hurry up and sign up to join us!
报名表格请联络冷宜佛教会财政郑淑玲 https://wa.me/+60137372098
Please contact Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddha Kampung Baru Dangi’s Treasurer Ms. Tee Siok Ling https://wa.me/+60137372098
日期、时间 Date, Time : 6.4.2024 (星期六 Saturday) 9.00a.m.- 5.00p.m.
地点 Venue: 冷宜新村礼堂 Dewan Kampung Baru Dangi
对象 Target: 一年级至三年级学生 Students from Year 1 to 3
报名费 Fees: 随喜乐捐 Voluntary Contribution
媒介语 Language:华语 Mandarin
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