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七月欢喜吉祥孝亲月 | The Auspicious & Joyous Seventh Lunar Calendar Month
05.09.2023 – 10.09.2023
佛陀时代,出家人每年有三个月聚居一处的安居,由于出家众精进修行,道业增进乃至证得道果,佛陀因此感到欢喜,所以安居结束(农历七月十五日) 的这一天称为「佛欢喜日」。
During the Buddha’s time, monks lived together in one place for three months each year. Buddha was pleased that the monks had attained through their diligent practice, moral enhancement and even to attain the enlightenment result. Therefore, the end of the season (day fifteenth of the seventh lunar calendar month) is called ‘Celebration of Ullambana Festival’.
Ghost Festival in the seventh lunar calendar month is also an auspicious day for the Chinese to pay homage to their ancestors once a year and to remember them with filial piety and gratitude.
日期,时间和地点 Date, Time and Venue:
(05.09.2023, 8.00pm-9.30pm) 林梦佛教会 | Limbang Buddhist Association
(06.09.2023, 7.30pm-9.00pm) 林梦佛教居士林 | Limbang Buddhist Society
(07.09.2023, 7.30pm-9.00pm) 美里佛教居士林 | Miri Buddhist Society
(08.09.2023, 7.30pm-9.00pm) 石山佛教会 | Batu Niah Buddhist Society
(10.09.2023, 7.30pm-9.00pm) 民都鲁佛教会 | Bintulu Buddhist Association
媒介语 Language: 华语 Mandarin
联系人 Contact: 杨谦弘 Andy Yong 016-585 9194 | 吴桂丽 Ngu Kui Li 011-2513 0830
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