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儿童科学绘本营 | Children’s Science Picture Book Camp
主催 Organiser :马来西亚佛教青年总会
主办 Host :马佛青沙巴及纳闽州联委会
联办 Co-Host :纳闽佛教会
Picture books have many benefits.
It stimulates children’s vision, hearing, and space for thinking and fantasy. Through listening and reading picture and text messages, and guiding the process of discussion and sharing, kids can reflect and construct internalised meanings to achieve education. The goal is to develop lifelong reading habits and develop independent learning abilities.
So, what are parents waiting for? Hurry and send your children to participate in our picture book courses!
日期 Date:03/03/2024
时间 Time:09:00AM – 05:00PM
地点 Venue:纳闽佛教会 Labuan Buddhist Association
媒介语 Language:华语 Mandarin
联络 Contact:许慧媚 019-8121328
报名表格 Registration Form :https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf4Aq8NMehquWauSy0GnjHBRtPl2YeOzo1DLiQSARDIzACqTA/viewform
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