- 此活动已过期。
“共修·共愿” 12小时线上共修 | Nationwide 12-Hours Online Chanting and Sharing of Merits
1. 有兴趣的会员团体可以向州联委会报名参加。
2. 此共修活动将会在马佛青总会面子书直播。
3. 会员团体可自行决定共修内容。
4. 若有理事或是梵呗组成员举办实体共修,请确保现场防疫措施符合行管令。
1. We welcomed all the Member Organisation to participate and register through YBAM State Liason Committee.
2. The event will be broadcast through YBAM Facebook Live.
3. Each Member Organisation can decide on their chanting material.
4. lease follow the SOP of MCO if you would like to conduct the chanting session physically.
主办 :马来西亚佛教青年总会 YBAM
联办:马佛青州联委会 YBAM State Liason Committees
协办:马佛青会员团体 YBAM Member Organizations