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大专新鲜人2022 | BUMY Freshman Project 2022 “我拿到大学通知书了!” “可以体验大学生活了!” 相信这些话已经在你的脑海里停留许久了吧! 带着你既期待 又紧张的心情,你准备好了步入大学生涯吗? 开创属于你们的大学梦! 全新模式 全新方式 有趣的内容 有趣的互动 由马来西亚佛教青年总会与17间国立大专佛学会一同推出的《大专新鲜人2022》之线上见面会! 让你在开始你的新旅途前,获得大学的咨询, 让你在进入陌生的环境时,获得学长的协助, 让你的心,安住在新环境,融入在这温暖的。 "I got the university notice!" "I can finally experience university life!" We believe that these words have been in your mind for such a long time. With your anticipation and nervousness, are you ready to open the door that leads you to your university life? This virtual event is jointly launched by YBAM and 17 National Universities Buddhist Societies From here, you will get valuable advice and resources on how to kickstart your freshman journey. We will match you with your university seniors and with their help, you will know the ins-and-outs of your university in no time! 日期 Date: 3/4 October 2022 时间 Time: 8:00pm - 10:00pm 平台 Platform: Zoom 媒介语 Language: 华语 Mandarin 报名表格 Registration Form:https://forms.gle/hossdNyudsrhoKsTA 若有任何疑问, 欢迎联络 If you have any inquiries, please reach us at 017-4888147 陈邵建 BRO TAN 018-2638727 赖廷育 BRO LYE