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真善美的旋律《与愿起飞》音乐分享会| “In vows we soar” Buddhist Hymn Music Sharing Session
The MTB_03 plane is about to arrive in the Lundu. Are you ready to board? Please grab your luggage filled with “Melody, Truth and Beauty” to embark on a delightful and inspiring sharing session!
日期和时间 Date & Time: 13.04.2024(星期六 Saturday)7.30pm – 9.00pm
地点 Venue: 伦乐中华大会堂 Lundu Chung Hua Hall
媒介语 Language:华语 Mandarin
联络人 Contact : 蔡贤康 Jovan 010-7799729 / 郑利永 Lee Yong 017-8449928
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