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精神病患照顾者支持与教育课程 | Caregivers Support & Education Programme
18.11.2023 – 19.11.2023
精神病患照顾者支持与教育课程是一个包含了 8 个课题的 2 天课程。
此课程专为思觉失调Schizophrenia、双相情感障碍Bipolar disorder等严重精神疾病患者的照顾者而设计。
This two-day programme includes 8 modules.
It is designed for caregivers of individuals with serious mental illnesses.
课程内容 Programme Modules:
1. 照顾着的心路历程 A caregiver’s’ journey
2. 精神疾病与大脑 Understanding mental illness
3. 认识思觉失调症 Schizophrenia
4. 认识情绪与焦虑障碍 Mood and anxiety disorder
5. 危机处理 Handling crisis and suicidal behaviour
6. 同理与沟通 Empathy and communication
7. 康复历程 Recovery from mental illness
8. 自我照顾与倡导 Self-care and advocacy
日期 Date:18.11.2023-19.11.2023
时间 Time:9:30 AM – 5:30 PM
媒介语 Language:中文 Mandarin
对象 Target:马佛青义工 YBAM Volunteers,优先录取精神病患照顾者 Caregivers of individuals with serious mental illnesses
订位费 Reservation Fee:每人 RM20 (报到现场将会退还) | RM20/person (Will be refunded at the check-in counter)
*Temporarily absent, the funds will be used as event donations and will not be refunded. Those who are not admitted will have their reservation fee refunded.
实体 Face to Face @ 马佛青行政与训练中心 YBAM Administration and Training Centre (ATC)
地点 Venue:马佛青行政与训练中心 YBAM ATC
Google/Waze: https://goo.gl/maps/Ed7KWcovHoPyYrFC7
报名 Register:http://tiny.cc/2023CaregiverSupProgme
报名截止 Closing:10.11.2023(星期五 Friday)
**或额满,视何者为先。 Or the seats are full, whichever comes first. **
如有任何问题,请发邮件至 pelitaadmin@ybam.org.my 或致电 0108350370。
Any enquiries, please email pelitaadmin@ybam.org.my or call 0108350370.
*请注意,本次活动仅限 25 人参加。
Limited to 25 participants, please grab it before it is gone!
Together with YBAM PELITA Guidance and Psychological Unit,
‘Light the lamp in your heart and illuminate the way of life.’
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