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New Media Talent Training Series: Open Broadcaster Software Online Classroom & Internship
28.11.2022- 04.03.2023
Have you ever thought that live events can be more professional and the graphics can be more designed? Whether it’s to improve the audience experience or to add a skill, it’s not a dream, if you’re willing to join for training and internship! Come and register now! Please read registration form for more details.
报名链接 Registration link: https://forms.gle/PKMbfKyPQnbDdrVp9
报名截止 Closing Date: 24.11.2022(或额满为止 or while seats last)
报名费 Registration Fee: RM10.00
培训日期 Training Period: 28.11.2022 – 04.03.2023
媒介语 Language: 华语 Mandarin
联络 Contact: 孔凤嘉 Khong Fong Jia 012-686 1046 ; 雷惠旋 Sis. Loi 014-311 2939
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