第四十三届高级佛学研修班 “解脱道上的快乐”| 43rd Advanced Dharma Study Group ’The Joy of Liberation Path’
快乐并不是取决于外部环境,而是源于内在的安宁和满足。通过学习解脱之道,我们得以获得内心的平静,并从中探索快乐之泉源! 欢迎大家报名参与我们这一期的高级佛学研修班,一起从中学习和体验解脱道上的快乐!
Happiness does not depend on external circumstances but originates from inner peace and contentment. Through learning the path to liberation, we are able to attain inner tranquillity and explore the source of happiness within! We welcome everyone to sign up for our upcoming Advanced Dharma Study Group, where we can learn and experience the joy of the path to liberation together!
报名链接 Registration Link: https://forms.office.com/r/dxjyRAPfRf
日期&时间Date & Time: 01.11.2024 (星期五Fri-9am 报到)- 03.11.2024 (星期日Sun-1pm 结束)
地点:新山柔佛佛学会 Johor Buddhist Mission
媒介语Language : 华语Mandarin
联络人Contact: 蔡咏意+6017-2885978/ 刘欣瑜+6012-6483168
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