- 此活动已过期。
2024 砂州佛学班师资培训营 | Children Dharma School Teachers Training
02.03.2024 – 03.03.2024
主催 Initiator :马来西亚佛教青年总会
主办 Organiser :马佛青砂拉越州联委会
支持单位 Support Unit :诗巫佛教团体联谊筹委会
Teachers often face many situations when dealing with students.
Teachers might feel loss when it comes to teaching methods, or even have no idea where to start.
Are you facing these situations too?
Come join us.
地点 :净觉林
Venue :Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddha Shakyamurni Sibu
日期 :3月2日至3月3日
Date :2nd-3rd March
报到时间 :2/3/2024 9am
Registration Time :2/3/2024 9am
报名费 :RM50(仅限40人)
Registration Fee : RM50 (Limit 40 persons)
对象 :现任/有意成为佛学班老师/助教
媒介语 :华语
Language :Mandarin
联络 contact:
林欣燕 016-897 4955
刘明明 017-890 1343
谢光杰 010-594 7374
报名表格 Registration Form :https://forms.gle/oZT6xm14724gafUb9
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