2025年马佛青行脚僧 | YBAM Walking Monks 2025
14.03.2025 – 12.04.2025
A group of over 30 walking monks from Thailand, Cambodia, United States of America and Malaysia will travel through the four countries of Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia in order to arrive at the Borobudur before the Wesak Day. They will travel through Perlis, Kedah, Penang, Perak, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka and Johor from 14 March to 12 April 2025. We welcome the public to support their journey.
Please join and refer to the WhatsApp Community Group to obtain the latest information including the itinerary, locations of making offerings and refreshing stations. More information will be disseminated through that group.
*行程视情况可能出现变动。请以WhatsApp 社群的最新公布为主。
*The itinerary is subject to change due to various situations. Please refer to the latest announcements in the WhatsApp Community Group.
We welcome the public to make dana offering to support the walking monks. The details to offer dana are as follow:
捐款方式 Method of Donation:银行转账 / 支票** Online transfer / cheque**
户口名字/支票抬头 Name of Account Holder: Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia
银行Beneficiary Bank: 大众银行 Public Bank
户口号码 Account Number: 3063802219
给收款人参考的信息Recipient Reference: walkm25
* 此捐款不具免税资格。Tax exemption is not applicable to this donation.
**请自行把支票汇入马佛青以上提及的大众银行户口 Please bank in the cheque directly to the above-mentioned YBAM’s account at Public Bank:3063802219
大众可将现款或支票汇款收据电邮 finance@ybam.org.my 或 WhatsApp (018-255 5867) 至马佛青以兹证明。
Please send us the bank in slip for our record through email to finance@ybam.org.my or through WhatsApp to 018-255 5867.
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