快乐人生讲座会 | Talk on Happiness Life
Title: Learn about depression, anxiety and the path to healing
Suitable for: The general public, social workers, teachers, counselors, as well as people with mental illeness and patients’ family members.
Summary: The number of people suffering from mental illness is increasing due to the global pandemic. This may be caused by a variety of factors such as environmental changes, personal thought and genetics. During the talk, the counselor will share his experiences on how to lead patients on the road to recovery.
日期,时间及地点 ~
Date,Time and Venue ~
21.09.24, 8:00p.m. 林梦佛教会 |Limbang Buddhist Association
Title: Lift the veil of emotions and become your own master
Suitable for: The public, parents, teachers, social workers, volunteers, etc
Outline: Everyone experiences negative emotions. These feelings can be hard to describe and difficult to cope with. The generation of emotional involves two factors. How we perceive, understand, recognize and manage become an important issue in life.
During the talk, the counselor will share how to effectively identify and manage emotions, as well as how to master your emotions.
日期,时间及地点 ~
Date,Time and Venue ~
22.09.24, 8:00p.m. 石山佛教会 |Batu Niah Buddhist Society
Language: Mandarin
联系人:温演俊 0111-0699376 / 叶雅雯 019-2266616
Contact: 0111-0699376 / Georgina Yiap 019-2266616
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