支持本土佛教刊物——《佛教文摘》季刊 | Let’s Support Local Buddhist Magazine – Buddhist Digest
从创刊号开始,佛教文摘保持为一份非盈利的佛教刊物,不接受广告,也没有分销到其他书局。为了配合一般读者的消费能力,订价大众化,因此不容易达到以刊养刊的目标。不过,教界里有许多发心的佛友,通过成为“名誉社长” 丶“名誉董事” 及“基本赞助人”等名堂赞助经费,文摘成功復刊並维持下來。
“Buddhist Digest” is a Chinese Buddhist quarterly journal established in Malaysia, with the purpose of “covering splendid articles and building a Great Wall of Protection”, and taking the stand of “regardless of the author’s portal, only the merits of the articles”. Introduce Buddhism to the general public and reveal the Dharma.
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