马佛青泰国学习团:青年泰酷啦🔥 | YBAM Study Tour to Thailand
🔥 活动亮点:
– 深度探访曼谷的佛教圣地,感受千年佛教文化的洗礼
– 与泰国青年互动,互相分享信仰和生活方式
– 丰富多彩的文化活动:寺庙参访、禅修体验、供养僧众、传统艺术表演等品尝正宗泰国美食,享受地道的泰式风情
YBAM invites you to join a special trip to Bangkok, Thailand in 2024, immersing yourself in the charm of thousand years of Buddhist culture, engaging in face-to-face exchanges with Thai Buddhist youth, participating in a variety of cultural activities, making friends from different countries, and broadening your international perspective.
🔥Highlights of the Event:
– Deep exploration of Buddhist pilgrimage sites in Bangkok, experiencing the rich heritage of thousand years of Buddhist culture.
– Interactions with Thai youth, sharing beliefs and lifestyles with each other.
– Diverse cultural activities: visit to temples, meditation experiences, make offerings to monks, traditional art performances, tasting authentic Thai cuisine, and enjoying the local Thai atmosphere.
日期 Date:06/07/2024-11/07/2024(6天5夜; 6D5N)
地点 Vanue:泰国 Thailand
对象 Target Group:马来西亚佛教青年 Malaysian Buddhist Youth 18-25岁 years old
人数 Number of Participants:30人/pax (名额有限,先到先得 First-come, first-served basis)
团费 Fees:100美金/USD (不包含机票 Excluding flight tickets)
报名链接 Register Link:
To be closed on 15/06/2024 or when the registration is full
询问 Enquiry:
林国安 Bro. Lim Kok Aun 012-533 8023
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