China Press Northern Edition 05.06.202326th YBAM Biennial National ConventionYong Kuei Yoong: Denying People with Agenda of Extremism https://penang.chinapress.com.my/20230604/%e9%a9%ac%e4%bd%9b%e9%9d%92%e7%ac%ac26%e5%b1%8a%e5%85%a8%e5%9b%bd%e5%a4%a7%e4%bc%9a-%e9%9d%92%e5%b9%b4%e4%bd%9b%e6%95%99%e5%be%92%e5%ba%94%e7%94%a8%e6%89%8b%e4%b8%ad%e4%b8%80%e7%a5%a8-%e6%9d%a8/ 26th YBAM Biennial National Convention Yong Kuei Yoong: Buddhist should Utilise Technology…

Sabah & Labuan Buddha Day Ceremony 2023 | Tawau Buddhist Lodge | 30.05.2023

Triple Celebrations of Buddhist Lodge – Sabah & Labuan Buddha Day Ceremony 2023 | Tawau Buddhist Lodge | 30.05.2023 YBAM attended the Sabah & Labuan Buddha Day Ceremony 2023 that…
Triple Celebrations of Buddhist Lodge – 40th Anniversary Celebration Ceremony | Meeting Room of Cultural and Education Centre, Tawau Buddhist Lodge and SJKC Kung Ming Tawau Hall | 29.05.2023 There…

China Press Negeri Sembilan 28.05.2023 About 300 People Gather at St Paul’s School Copy Sutra and Bath Buddha and Celebrate Wesak Month Together https://n9.chinapress.com.my/?p=133625&mibextid=Zxz2cZ

Triple Celebrations of Buddhist Lodge – Inauguration Ceremony of Main Shrine Hall cum Consecration Ceremony of Buddha Statues | Tawau Buddhist Lodge | 28.05.2023 Tawau Buddhist Lodge organises the Triple…

21/05 – 4pm~5pm

National Youth Treasure Hunt Camp Wesak Version 05.05.2023 – 06.05.2023 Our event has started! Come and join us with our Buddha bathing and music concert. Date: 05.05.2023 – 06.05.2023 (Friday…

Wesak Day Open Day | YBAM ATC | 04.05.2023 YBAM held an Open Day at YBAM Administration and Training Centre (ATC) in conjunction with Wesak Day, allowing the public to…
Please be informed that the Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia will hold the 2022 YBAM Extraordinary National Convention on 17 December 2022 (Saturday) at the Shah Alam Buddhist Society. YBAM…