Launching Conference of Construction of New Centre ‘Spiritual Oasis in the City’ | Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Centre Malaysia | 18.08.2023
YBAM was invited to participate in the Launching Conference of Construction of New Centre ‘Spiritual Oasis in the City’. The objectives of this launching conference were to officially announce the construction plan and outlook of the new centre, which was expected to be completed in 2027, and at the same time launched the construction fund solicitation project.
YBAM was represented by President Bro. Yong Kuei Yoong. Bro. Yong Kuei Yoong joined the Former DDM Abbot President Venerable Guo Dong, Chairperson of Selangor Branch of the Malaysian Buddhist Association Venerable Ming Ji, DDM Buddhist Centre Malaysia Superintendent Venerable Chang Zao and other guests in unveiling the building model of the new centre.