Terengganu Buddhist Association’s 60th Anniversary Vegetarian Banquet | SJK (C) Chung Hwa Wei Sin Hall, Kuala Terengganu | 30.09.2023
YBAM was invited to attend the Terengganu Buddhist Association’s 60th Anniversary Vegetarian Banquet organised by the Terengganu Buddhist Association. This vegetarian banquet with the theme ’60th Anniversary Celebration, Fo Guang Puzhao’ had also wonderful performances by Bodhi Dance Class, Singing Team, Bodhi Kindergarten and teenagers from Terengganu Buddhist Association.
YBAM was represented by President Bro. Yong Kuei Yoong. Also present were Vice President Bro. Tay Boon Seng and National Council Member Bro. Tang Chao Wei.