慈心觉起之百万分钟慈心修持 l Awakening of Metta: Million Minutes Metta Practice
Amidst the resurgence of COVID-19, based on the spirit of the Buddha’s compassion to pray for all beings, YBAM initiates ‘Awakening of Metta: Million Minutes Metta Practice’. With every thought of kindness and every thought of compassion, you will bring more blessings and less anger to the society.
From now until 31 December 2020, we invite everyone to practise Metta at home, sincerely wishing all sentient beings to be blessed with happiness, to be free from hostility, to embody the spirit of tolerance and understanding as we cope with the pandemic.
慈心觉起之百万分钟慈心修持 Awakening of Metta: Million Minutes Metta Practice
请将您完成的每日慈心修持时间提交至谷歌表格 (不限提交次数) : t.ly/6iAl
Please submit your accumulation of Metta Minutes practice via Google Form (no limits to number of submission) : t.ly/6iAl
每晚8:45-9:45于马佛青优管 (youtube.com/YBAMalaysia) 线上共修
星期二、四、六 (华语)
Daily online group practice on YBAM YouTube channel (youtube.com/YBAMalaysia) at 8:45p.m. to 9:45 p.m.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Sunday (English session)
Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday (Mandarin session)
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