High-quality honey is nutrient-rich and contains many important antioxidants. In studies, antioxidants could retard the aging process and improve cardiovascular efficiency.
Do you know if your honey is pure?
Can’t distinguish between pure and fake honey?
Don’t worry!
YBAM has collaborated with Noto Honey House to bring all Buddhist youth the best quality of natural and pure honey products. Honey products offered by NOTO Honey House are certified by MeSTI with no preservative, no artificial flavouring, and no artificial colouring.
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to shop now and enter ‘YBAM’ to receive a 10% discount.
Part of the profit will be returned to YBAM.
Do you want to know about Benefit of Honey?
Honey and health
Honey has many beneficial properties like treating infections, fighting metabolic syndroms, preventing artery hardening, and supporting a health gut.
It’s possible that honey may become an alternatives to antibiotics. Honey also contains some nutrients and many different ways to enjoy it.
Whether you’re spooning it from the jar or adding it to your tea, honey can be beneficial addiction to your diet.