‘Dharma Dew’ Dharma Talk Series 2023 | September 2023 till December 2023
The ‘Dharma Dew’ Dharma Talk Series 2023 is about to kick off in September this year. We are honoured to invite Venerable Xian Xing, Venerable Chang Lv, Venerable Jing Lin, Venerable Guang Ding, Venerable Ming Cen, Venerable Xing Yan, Venerable Jue Jing and Venerable Fa Yao to propagate Dharma in all states of Malaysia.
We welcome everyone to come and learn Dharma together.
Kindly check out YBAM Facebook for the upcoming promotions of the ‘Dharma Dew’ Dharma Talk Series 2023.
日期 Date:2023年9月至12月 | September 2023 till December 2023
地点 Venue:All states in Malaysia
媒介语 Language:中文 Chinese
联络人 Contact:陈启文 011-1075 2708
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